Gregor Beiwl, Kirsten Borchert, Shirin Omran, Yemo Park, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, Tracing Spaces, Esther Straganz, Aleksandar Todorović

18.06. – 09.07.2024 

Typography, often confined within the realms of design and communication, is more than just the arrangement of letters for readability and visual appeal: With qualities that extend further than its practical purpose, offering ways for expression beyond direct communication.

Written language frequently carries an air of authority and truth, no matter how warranted. Art rarely adheres to such rigid definitions. What happens when the two intersect? The exhibition seeks to look upon typography’s capacity to transcend its conventional boundaries, transforming into a vehicle for artistic expression and conceptual exploration. It wants to provide a glimpse, albeit small and incomplete, into the many ways in which typography can be manipulated and reimagined to yield unexpected results.

Tracing Spaces
Aleksandar Todorovic
Yemo Park
Yemo Park
Shirin Omran
Esther Straganz
Marie-Andrée Pellerin
Kirsten Borchert
Gregor Beiwl
Gregor Beiwl
Printed Matter

With kind support of Grätzlmarie WieNeu+, Bezirk Brigittenau & Kulturabteilung Stadt Wien MA7
all photos by © Moritz Zangl